Geoinformation Technology of Engineering-Geological Forecasting in the Development of Mineral Deposits

P. A. Krasilnikov


One of the priorities of engineering geology in the development of underground mineral deposits is the dynamics of changes in geotechnical conditions as a result of anthropogenic factors and the degree of impact on existing buildings and structures. The most significant anthropogenic impact is associated with the extraction of minerals and host rocks. As a result of the development of the underground space, deformations of the earth's surface occur. It results in the subsidence features, changes in curvature, slope, compression and extension of rocks as a result of horizontal and vertical deformations. In turn, it leads to a change in the hydrological and hydrogeological regime, activation of exogenous processes, etc. This article presents the results of the creation of a GIS system to solve the forecast problems of changing engineering and geological conditions as a result of anthropogenic impact. The use of GIS technologies allows specialists to provide reliable and relevant information for assessing geotechnical risks in mining areas and making proper management decisions. The result of prognostic modeling should be a set of maps (cartographic layers) in the zone of influence of mining operations, containing the following information: forecast of the degree of anthropogenic impact, forecast of changes in geotechnical, hydrogeological, engineering and geological conditions, identification of objects on the earth’s surface that are in danger. Based on these predictive calculations, it is necessary to develop measures to reduce the negative impact. Such informational models of the territory should be supported at all stages of the life cycle of the field that will allow receiving high-quality information about the engineering and geological conditions of the developed territory at any time.


GIS; engineering and geological conditions; cartographic modeling; deposit; forecast modeling


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