Composition, Volume, Lithogeochemical Characteristics, and Provenance of the Bagdarin Formation (Vitimkan-Tsipinskaya Zone, Western Transbaikalia)

V. S. Tashlykov, O. R. Minina


Our recearch demonstrates the results of lithologic, stratigraphic, petrographic, lithogeochemical, and U-Pb (LAICP-MS) geochronological studies of terrigenous rocks within the Bagdarin Formation. The volume of the formation was revised. We selected the Lower Middle Carboniferous Alekseevskaya formation composed of tuffterrigenous rocks from its composition. The Bagdarin suite, composed of a terrigenous vivid color rocks association, is considered as part of two members dating from the Late Devonian (Frasnian). In accordance with petrochemical characteristics, the Bagdarin suite correspond to arkoses and the Alekseevskaya formation corresponds to greywackes. The study of the Bagdarin formation detrital zircons made it possible to determine the composition of the rocks in the area of sediment provenance.


Bagdarin subzone; Bagdarin formation; Alekseevskaya formation; Provenance


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