Geology and Petroleum Potential of Deep Deposits of the Verkhnepechorskaya Depression

E. A. Kuznetsovа


The article is devoted to assessing the prospects of petroleum potential of the deep horizons of the Verkhnepechorskaya depression of the Pre-Ural trough. These strata are unevenly and poorly studied, and the prospects for their petroleum potential are not defined. The article provides a brief description of the geological structure (stratigraphy and lithology), reservoir and geochemical properties of deep layers, and considers the results of 1D and 2D basin modeling. It is shown that in these strata the oil-and-gas source rocks have been developed from very poor to very rich with predominance of poor and very poor. The value of the organic matter content makes it possible to identify the deep oil-and-gas source formations. Additionally, it allows identification of the reservoirs and regional and zonal seal rocks in the deep sediments. Based on the results of basin modeling, it can be concluded that these layers were used for generating gases and gas condensates, which could provide the formation of deposits both in the deep layers and in the overlying horizons. The generation of gaseous hydrocarbons occurred at a time favorable for the formation of deposits. The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-35-00220.


Verkhnepechorskaya depression; basin modeling; deep layers; petroleum potential; catagenesis; reservoir properties; geochemical properties


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