Geological and Lithological Characteristics of the Quarries «Lenino» and «Lenindar», Belarus Republic

T. A. Melezh


The article considers the geological-lithological and stratigraphic features of the «Lenino» and «Lenindar» quarries, which are objects of General geological practice course of students-geologists of the EI «GSU F. Skoriny». The goals and objectives of the practice, as well as academic and professional competencies formed during the training practice are disclosed.


quarry; lithological composition; mineralogical composition; sand; minerals; practice.


Melezh T.A., Galeznik O.I. 2018. Karyer Lenindar kak geologicheskiy obyekt, izuchaemyy v khode uchebnoy obshchegeologicheskoy praktiki studentov [Quarry Linindar as a geological object studied during the student’s geological practical training]. In: Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakt. konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh, Gomel, pp. 54-59. (in Russian)

Melezh T.A., Galeznik O.I. 2018 Karyer Lenino kak geologicheskiy obekt, izuchaemyy v khode uchebnoy obshchegeologicheskoy praktiki studentov

[Quarry Lenino as a geological object studied during the students geological practice course]. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh, Gomel, p. 73-77. (in Russian)

Obrazovatelnyy standart Respubliki Belarus. Vysshee obrazovanie. Pervay stupen. Specialnost 1- 51 01 01- 2013 Geologiya i razvedka mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh [Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus. Higher education. Firststage. Specialty 1 – 51 01 01 -2013 Geology and exploration of mineral deposits]. 2013, Minsk, p. 34. (in Russian)



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