Estimation of Ground Water Protection on the Waste Disposal Site of a Mining Enterprise

I. A. Lyamin, R. Yu. Ruzmanov


The relevance of the research is due to the study of possibility of placing tailings facilities of mining enterprises in areas with minimal negative impact on the environment, in particular on groundwater. This work allows us to estimate the time of penetration of waste pollution into the surface of groundwater. Objective: to determine the areas of the study that are most exposed to groundwater pollution. Objects: filtration parameters of weakly permeable deposits of the aeration zone. Methods: collection and analysis of archival materials, field filtration tests, simulation of the unsaturated zone, geocentrophora. Results: a set of maps has been created that allows determining the areas that are most susceptible to contamination when placing the tailings of a mining enterprise on the studied territory. Based on data from more than 500 archived engineering-geological wells, a model of the aeration zone was constructed and the power of weakly permeable deposits that will serve as a natural anti-filtration screen was estimated. Filtration characteristics of weakly permeable sediments are determined by the method of filling in pits, and a forecast of the rate of penetration of pollution into underground waters is given.


aeration zone; underground water; infiltration; weakly permeable deposits; sludge storage.


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