Zoning the Karstified Territories of the Kaluga Region Using an Integrated Approach to Identify Favorable Areas for Construction

S. V. Shcherbakov, Z. V. Kivileva


The article considers 17 factors of natural structure of the territory of the Kaluga region divided into 4 groups: geological, hydrogeological, structural-tectonic and geomorphological. The relationship between each factor and the development of surface karst forms has been analyzed. Laws of distribution of karst forms and factors boundary values corresponding to intervals with different degree of danger are defined. The final assessment of the karst hazard was carried out by means of ESRI ArcGIS 10 using an integrated approach that takes into account the role of each factor in the development of the karst process as much as possible.


karst forms; karst hazard; conditions of karst development; natural structure factors; integrated technique; danger category


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.19.3.247


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