Sorption of Kaolin, Processed by Pressure, in Respect to the Methylene Blue Dye

V. V. Seredin, O. S. Siteva, K. A. Alvanian,, A. V. Andrianov


The properties of clays, including sorption ones, are largely determined by the structure of their crystal lattice, mineral and granulometric composition, and environmental conditions. The mineral composition of clays specifies the form of energy on the surface of the particles, and granulometric composition defines the form of the area of the particles active surface. These two complex indicators determine mainly the sorption activity of clays. To change the sorption activity of clays, mechanical processing, thermal modification, and chemical activation are carried out using chemical reagents such as acids, alkalis, and salts with different durations of exposure. The aim of the work is to assess the effect of pressure on the sorption activity of kaolin with respect to a methylene blue dye.


kaolin; pressure; sorption; structure; composition; defective package; particle specific surface area


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