Gold-Jasperoid Mineralization in Zone of the Shartymskiy Fault (South Urals)

P. V. Kazakov


The Shartymskiy Graben was formed at zone of the Shartymskiy Fault in the late collision stage of development of the Southern Urals on the joint of the Western and Eastern Magnitogorsk sub-zone in conditions of variable compression and stretching, and was made with the Lower Carboniferous limestone. Occurrences of gold-bearing metasomatites (jasperoids, sericite-chlorite-carbonate-quartz, sericite-quartz) have been established in the precontact zones of carbonates, gabbro-dolerites, diorites dykes, and small intrusions of sub-alkaline leuсograniteporphirs of the Shartymskiy massif. Mediated connection with them of gold sprouts is established. The gold economic concentration of the Vorontsovskiy deposit type is expected on the certain sections of metasomatites of jasperoid association and their weathering crust.


gold; deposit; ore-placer knot; argyllization; jasperoids; weathering crust; brown iron; South Urals


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