On the Problem of Methodology of Studying and Classification of Mineral Deposits

R. G. Iblaminov


The modeling methodology is considered, and the static models that reflect the state of objects at the time of studying are analyzed. Based on these data, genetic retrospective models are constructed taking into account the modern data. They reflect the history of the processes that led to the formation of deposits. Models characterize the morphology, mineral and chemical composition of mineral bodies, conditions of occurrence, and features of surrounding rocks. Theoretical approaches and the content of modern genetic classification of mineral deposits are the core basis of knowledge about the geology of deposits. It is linked to the classification of igneous and metamorphic rocks described in the petrographic code, as well as to the modern lithology. Classification is necessary to systematize the entire variety of natural mineral objects, the origin of which is often ambiguous. It creates the basis for a unified approach to all natural objects that exist in the Earth's interior. The conditions for the formation of endogenous, exogenous and metamorphogenic deposits are considered. Endogenous objects are divided into three groups: magmatic, metasomatic, and hydrothermal. Among the exogenous, the sedimentogenetic, diagenetic, and catagenetic ranks are highlighted. Metamorphic deposits contain dynamothermal, regional-metasomatic, and migmatite classes, as well as thermal, dislocation, and impact metamorphism classes. Examples of typical deposits are given.


mineral deposits; retrospective models; genetic classification


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.19.3.282


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