Structural-Tectonic and Geomorphological Features of the Longitudinal Part of the Koyva River

S. B. Kovrizhnykh, O. B. Naumova


The features of the geomorphological structure of the Koyva River valley in the Gornozavodskiy district of Perm Krai are considered. The leading role of tectonics in formation of terraces and development of the valley of the longitudinal (relative to the folded structures of the Urals) area of the upper and middle courses is shown. The development of regional faults and thrusts at the base of the valley is associated with the formation of the Vishersko-Visimskaya depression. The formation of gold - and platinum-bearing placers is associated with the terraces location and the orientation of the Koyva River Valley.


Koyva; terraces; Vishera-Visimskaya depression; Middle Urals


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