Regularities of Changes in the Granulometric Composition of the Bentonite Clay of the Zyryansk Deposit Activated by Pressure

K. A. Alvanian, A. V. Andrianov, Yu. N. Selezneva


High pressures in the soil mass form the specific properties of the soil, in particular the effect on the particle size distribution. The purpose of the work is to assess the change in the granulometric composition of bentonite clay under the pressure. Experimental data on the pressure (P = 0-800 MPa) influence on the change in particle size distribution in clay samples from the deposit are presented. As a result of the experiment, two classes were identified in which the change in the content of fractions is different. These changes are due to the aggregation and dispersion of particles. Mathematical models have been calculated that make it possible to predict the content of fractions depending on the clay activation pressure


bentonite; particle size distribution; fraction; aggregation; dispersion; pressure


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