Features of the Geological Structure of the African Sedimentary Basin Taoudeni and its Oil-and-Gas Potential

M. B. Ballo, T. V. Karaseva, A. S. Kapitanova


The results of studying the structure of the Taoudeni sedimentary basin, the largest basin in north-west Africa, are presented. The characteristic features of the basin associated with the development of the West African craton, and manifestation of the Hercynian and Alpine tectonogenesis are revealed. Based on modeling data, the low rates of sedimentation of Proterozoic and Silurian-Carboniferous sediments were established that contributed to the formation of oil-and-gas source rocks. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue exploration in the basin in connection with the high prospects of oil-and-gas potential.


sedimentary basin; Precambrian rocks; subsidence history; oil-and-gas potential


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.19.4.388


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