Assessment of the Generation Potential of the Emsk-Timan Deposits in the Republic of Udmurtiya

E. E. Kozhevnikova


The article presents materials on the study of the generation potential of the Emsko-Timan deposits of the Udmurt Republic. The study of the conditions of sedimentary accumulation, geochemical facies at the stage of diagenesis was carried out. Quantitative assessment of the generation potential of the studied complex is given, and the density of organic matter of rocks is calculated that made it possible to identify the local zones of distribution of oil and gas source formations. Correlation of oils of the studied complex with oils above and below-lying complexes has been carried out. It was found that the process of generation of hydrocarbon deposits of the studied complex had a mixed mechanism. Probably, this process involved not only the oil and gas source formations of the terrigenous Devonian, but also the oil and gas source formations above and below the complexes.


terrigenous Devonian; oil and gas content; sedimentation; generation potential; Udmurt Republic; north of the Ural-Volga region


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