Transformation of the Mineral Composition of Dispersed Soil under Microbiological Impact

N. G. Maksimovich, A. D. Demenev, V. T. Khmurchik


Microorganisms are widespread in soils of different genesis and can have a significant effect on their properties. The influence of the vital activity of aboriginal bacteria of different physiological groups on the mineral and chemical composition of clay soil was investigated using methods of X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and electron microscopic analyzes. The activation of the vital activity of the soil microflora led both to the destruction of rock-forming minerals and to the new formation of minerals - calcite and iron-containing minerals. During electron microscopic studies, mineral new formations were recorded in soil samples. Newly-formed connections between soil microaggregates were also observed.


microorganisms; physiological groups; silicates; carbonates; destruction of minerals; new formation of minerals


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