Formation of the Energy Properties of the Surface of Clay Particles Modified by High Pressure

M. V. Fyodorov, V. V. Seredin, I. V. Lunegov


The article considers the issues of changing the energy activity of the surface of clay particles modified by pressure up to 800 MPa. The energy properties of the surface were evaluated by measuring the adhesion force between the surface of clay samples and the silicon cantilever of an atomic force microscope. It has been proved that when clay soils are modified by stress pressure, the adhesion force changes in different directions in clays with different mineral composition. So, in kaolin clay, with an increase in pressure from 25 to 800 MPa, the adhesion force increases, respectively, from 0.25 to 0.78 nN. In clays of montmorillonite composition, an increase in pressure to 150 MPa leads to an increase in the adhesive interaction, and a further increase in the load to 800 MPa leads to its decrease.


clay; adhesion force; roughness; bound water; atomic force microscopy


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