Analysis of Vibration Field Parameters of the City by the Correlation-Regression Method

A. N. Vikhot, V. A. Lutoev


Analysis of the parameters of the vibration field of the city was carried out on the example of the area of Syktyvkar. The vibroseismic monitoring data were used as a source material. We obtained the estimates of the mathematical expectation, variances and standard deviations, checked the normal distribution of random variables. The values of the correlation coefficient and correlation ratio were determined applying the method of correlation-regression analysis and carrying out the necessary calculations. Distribution diagrams were also constructed and approximating functions and estimated equations were obtained. This approach can be used to predict the parameters of the vibration field on the city territory and made it possible to give recommendations on its application as selection rationale of construction sites and environmental survey in the field of man-induced impact.


vibration statistical analysis; correlation coefficient


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