Reconstruction of the Ancient River Network and Prospects of the Placer Gold Mineralization on the Southern Part of the Miass Intermountain Depression (South Urals)

P. V. Kazakov


We conducted the reconstruction of the ancient river network of the basins of the right tributaries of the Uy River Shartymka and Kiruda located in the southern part of the Miass intermountain depression within the Shartymskiy graben and its southern periphery. The sequence of placer formation from Cretaceous and Miocene karst-alluvial placers (Shartymsky graben) to the Eopleistocene and Neopleistocene has been established. In the valleys of the Shartymka and Kiruda rivers, areas of inherited development have been identified. This increased the reliability of estimation of the placer gold forecast resources. The most promising areas are recommended for geological exploration licensing.


gold placers; karst cavity; ancient river network; intermountain depression; forecast resources; South Urals


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