Structural and Geomorphological Zoning of the Vladimir-Nizhniy Novgorod Area and its Environmental Geological Significance

I. V. Korobova


The cyclic relief, neotectonic structures, geodynamically active zones (GdAZ) and exogenous geological processes have been investigated in the Vladimir-Nizhny Novgorod region. For the first time, six leveling surfaces were identified in the relief and the structure of four river terraces was considered. The analysis of obtained data made it possible to identify neotectonic structures of different types and classify them into three neotectonic regions. The boundaries of these areas are GdAZ, which are considered as crossing, superimposed and shear structures. Based on the cycling of relief formation, the total for the latest stage and stepwise amplitudes and rates of deformations are calculated. An increase in the rates of uplifts from the Miocene to the present is characteristic. Intensive development of suffusion-karst processes tends to specific types of relief and zones of disturbances, which are considered dangerous and environmentally significant for the territories of important engineering facilities


geodynamical active zones; neotectonics; terraces; levelling surfaces


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