Petroleum Potential of the Deep Ordovician Lower Devonian Oil and Gas Complex in the South-East of the Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province

E. A. Kuznetsovа


The article is devoted to the assessment of the oil and gas potential of the deep Ordovician-Lower Devonian oil and gas complex in the south-east of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Within the Upper Pechora Basin of the Pre-Ural trough and in the south of the Pechora-Kolva aulacogen, several wells were drilled with a depth of more than 5 km, some of which entered the Lower Paleozoic deposits. These strata are difficult to access and poorly studied, and the prospects for their oil and gas potential are unclear. The article describes the composition of the complex, gives geochemical characteristics, describes reservoir properties, and presents the results of 1D and 2D basin modeling. Models of the zoning of catagenesis are presented. The oil and gas complex includes a variety of oil and gas source rocks. It is possible to allocate collectors, as well as the seals. In the Lower Paleozoic sediments, the processes of oil, gas and gas condensate generation took place, which could ensure the formation of deposits both in the deep strata of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic, and in the overlying horizons. The generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons in deep-buried sediments occurred at a favorable time for the formation of deposits. However, it is considered that the scale of hydrocarbon generation for the Lower Paleozoic deposits is not high.


Ordovician-Lower Devonian oil and gas complex; well; basin modeling; deep horizons; petroleum potential; catagenesis


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