A Plastic Flow and Rheomorfic Differentiation of the Mantle Ultramafic Rocks

D. E. Saveliev, V. B. Fedoseev


In this paper, the general characteristics of morphological features of the ophiolitic ultramafic rock formations are discussed. The ultramafic rocks are the fragments of upper mantle, which were exposed on the surface due to tectonic events. It is shown that their main chemical and structural characteristic is a stratification accompanied by separation of the rheologically weakest dunite bodies usually containing the economic amount of chromite ore. Based on results of conducted analysis, we propose a new hypothesis of petro- and ore genesis in the upper mantle. Using the thermodynamic approach, we developed the rheomorfic model of the differentiation of the mantle matter. This model solves many problems inherent to currently used magmatic or metasomatic models.


ultramafic rocks; plastic flow; stratification; rheomorfic segregation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.25.22


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