Specific Features of Fluid and Hydrothermal Inclusions in Minerals

N. N. Zinchuk


Characteristics of new genetic type of inclusions being formed during boiling up of magma or hydrotherms is given. It is indicated that the form and sizes of inclusions of boiling up fluids have important role in studying the nature of minerals. Examples of analysis using the composition and temperature homogenous process of individual mineral groups’ inclusions from definite deposits of the world have been analyzed. Temperature analysis of individual inclusions homogenous process indicates that under certain conditions, separation of homogenous magmatic melt into two parts (silicate and sulphate) takes place. Comparison of microelement composition of kimberlites of various productivity indicated similarity of behavior spectra of light rare earth elements in commercially diamondiferous kimberlite bodies. Assessment of quantitative role of various mantle paragenesises in parent kimberlites with consideration of selective capture of depth material by proto-kimberlite melts, specific features of captured material transportation to the surface, and stability of diamonds in depth melts is of big interest. One should consider those parameters and processes, analysis of which may help in gaining better understanding of mechanisms of kimberlites’ productivity origination


chemical and geochemical composition; kimberlites; diamondiferous fields; mantle paragenesis; Siberian platform


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.20.2.110


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