Engineering-Geological Zoning of the Railway Section by the Method of Probabilistic Assessment

Yu. N. Selezneva, M. R. Yadzinskaya


The article describes the special engineering-geological zoning method of the railway territory. Permafrost geocryological conditions of the railway geological section were analyzed. The area is characterized by sporadic discontinuous permafrost. The analysis showed that the process of flooding is widely developed at the stusy area. It will have a great impact on the design and operation of the structure. The method of probabilistic assessment was used for a reasonable zonation of the territory. In result of the study, three taxa were identified that allows defining the flooded, potentially flooded, and non-flooded areas according to their geological structure. Measures for reducing the negative impact of flooding processes are recommended.


engineering-geological zoning; classification indicator; probabilistic assessment; flooding; boundary values


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