Mineragenic Position and Geological Potential of Technogenic-Mineral Formations of the Gold-Silver Deposit Valunistoe (Сhukotka Autonomous Region)

V. N. Goldyrev, V. A. Naumov, O. B. Naumova


In the coming years, the mine of LLC "Rudnik Valunisty" developing the gold and silver Valunistoe and Gornoye deposits will exhaust economically justified reserves. One of the ways to extend the life of the mine and increase the profitability of production should be the extraction of man-made secondary mineral resources. The purpose of the study is to identify the main types of solid and hydromineral form of technogenic-mineral formations at the Valunistoe Deposit, as well as to estimate the possibility of their industrial development. The useful components content was determined and calculated. The results of theoretical modeling of physical and chemical parameters of hypergenic mineral formation of the solid part of technogenic-mineral formations are shown. Objects of formation of technological waters are given. The conditions of concentration of gold and other metals are considered.


Valunistoe deposit; mineral processing; technogeogenesis; gold and silver ores; epithermal deposits; Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.20.2.172


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