Silurian Intermediate Diamond Collector (South Cis-Timan, Perm Region)

Yu. G. Paktovsky


The article presents the results of granulometric, mineralogical and lithochemical analyses of rock samples taken from different horizons of terrigenous deposits at the base of Silurian. Their features and indicator signs, which are important in the field diagnostics of rocks, have been established. The geological description of the deposits of the Silurian reservoir is given. Three strata are distinguished in the reservoir formation by lithological features. The productivity of each of the strata is compared using results of large-scale testing. Lithological studies shown that the continental facies of temporary and small watercourses are distinguished by large-block material scattered over the surface of the rock stratification, controlling the trickle and nest distribution of minerals. An important consequence is that rare pebble material scattered in the rock mass can serve as an indicator of productive placers. By analogy, the appearance of ventifacts in the detrital weathering crust can serve as an indication of aeolian diamond placers. Thus, an operational combination of structural-geological and lithological studies makes it possible to compare similar deposits in different geological settings and increase the efficiency of prospecting and exploration.


Perm krai; Silurian; intermediate reservoir; granulometry; mineralogy; lithochemistry; diamond


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