Refinement of the Boundaries of the Sulfate Karst Areas of the Perm Region

N. G. Maksimovich, O. I. Kadebskaya, O. Yu. Meshcheriakova


The areas referred to the areas of sulfate karst are related to the areas of exclusive distribution of gypsum and anhydrite karst, as well as joint occurrence with carbonate rocks and salts. Based on the field study data, generalization of archive materials and publications, as well as the results of monitoring of exogenous geological processes carried out by the authors of the article, the data on sulfate karst of the Perm Territory not updated since the 90s of the last century were analyzed. This made it possible to clarify the boundaries of the previously identified areas of sulfate karst in the Perm region.


sulfate karst; zoning; Perm region


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