Monitoring Studies of Geological Processes Occurred at the Lake Mead Area since Impoundment in 1935 until Beginning of XXI Century

O. N. Kovin


Reservoirs, constructed for flood control, irrigation purposes, electric power and drinking water supply, can trigger significant changes in the geological processes on their territory and surroundings, as well as in climate, biosphere, and environ. In the article presents the results of comprehensive monitoring studies of Lake Mead reservoir on the Colorado River, Nevada, conducted on the request of Bureau of Reclamation of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Lake Mead was created after construction of the Hoover Dam that is one of the first dams on the Colorado River. Experts from geology, geophysics, oceanography, hydrology, and ecology were involved in this study. In result of the comprehensive research, headed by USGS, data on the dynamics of bottom sediments were obtained and analyzed; geodetic measurements of subsidence and earthquakes registration were performed; the main contamination sources were revealed. Furthermore, analysis of collected data allowed estimating the reservoir life up to 400 years.


reservoir; dam; bottom sediments; induced seismicity; geophysical investigation of bottom sedimentation; water contamination


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