On the Impact of Underground Mining on the Engineering and Geological Conditions of the Kama Region

S. H. Gainanov, V. N. Aptukov


The article is devoted to the current engineering and geological topic - the impact of underground workings on the conditions of construction and engineering structures operation at territory of urban agglomerations. The example of the city of Perm shows the need to take into account their presence and influence on the bearing capacity of the base rocks, especially of the cover quaternary soils. The design method proposes the possibility of using the bedrock as a base, taking into account the depth of workings, the load on their roof and strength characteristics, as well as the type of foundation used in this case.


underground workings; roof stability; geotechnical conditions


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.1.45


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