Stages of the Engineering-Geological Properties of Rock of the Red-Colored Terrigenous Formation of the Kama Region

Sh. Kh. Gainanov


The paper analyzes the stages of formation of engineering-geological properties of rocks of the red-colored terrigenous formation. Two main stages are distinguished, which determined the features of their engineering-geological characteristics. The first stage – the stage of progressive lithogenesis was characterized by facies sedimentation environments and determined the main genetic types of rocks of the formation. The second stage – the stage of epigenesis (hypergenesis) was defining for the formation of the engineering and geological properties existing at the present time that must be taken into account when solving problems in the course of design and construction work. The role of local tectonic structures and tectonic fracturing within them is emphasized in the activation of hypergenesis processes and changes in rock properties.


генетические типы пород; факторы изменения инженерно-геологических свойств; гипергенез


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