Characteristics of the Oil Deposits Formation on the Territory of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya Oil and Gas Region

T. A. Zhemchugova


The structure, oil and gas potential of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya oil and gas region is considered in the article. Physicochemical properties and composition of oil and source rocks of the structural zone are analysed. Based on the determined features of the oil deposits formation of study area, 3 oil systems have been identified: Middle Ordovician-Lower Devonian, Middle Devonian-Lower Fransian-Timanian and Middle Frasnian-Lower Triassic, which are combined in the General geological section of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya zone. In each system, a connection between oils of various types with oil source rocks was established. The connection of different type oil with source rocks was established that made it possible to predict the migration paths of hydrocarbons for new oil and gas deposits exploration.


Varandey-Adzvinskaya structural zone; tectonic structure; oil and gas complexes; oil and gas source rock; oil genotype; catagenesis; humus and sapropel organic matter; domanikites; reservoirs; hydrocarbons; migration routes; Petroleum system


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