Features of the Structure and Oil and Gas Content of the Guinea Gulf Sedimentary Basin

J. J. Ekenma, A. Z. Kabanov, T. V. Karaseva


The article deals with the issues of the structure and development of the oil and gas content in the Guinea Gulf sedimentary basin located in the western regions of Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. The features of the basin formations are given that provided a complex structure and often ambiguous correlation of deposits. The factors that led to the development of the main hydrocarbon deposits in the province of the Niger Delta and other regions are identified. It is concluded that it is necessary to continue exploration work in the basin due to the increased prospects for oil and gas potential.


sedimentary basin; Proterozoic basement; oil and gas mother rocks; reservoirs; traps; oil and gas potential


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.2.173


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