Hydrogeochemical Assessment of the Surface Water Conditions and Delineation of the Impact Zone of a Waste Disposal Site within the Kirovo-Chepetsk Industrial Complex

O. V. Kletskina, P. A. Krasilnikov, A. V. Tatarkin


In the Russian legislation, there is no unique definition of the term "zone of influence of the negative impact object" in relation to the environment at all. Accordingly, no clear methodology that allows establishing the boundaries of the influence of the object of research exists. However, it is very important for making a justified decision on determining the territory where to provide monitorig the components of the natural environment. This article presents the results of the study related to the geochemical assessment of the condition of surface waters of the Kirovo-Chepetsk industrial complex. The experience of determining the zone of influence of the waste disposal facilities on the territory where a large number of technogenic objects characterized by allocation of related pollutants is shown.


waste disposal objects; hydrogeochemical assessment; surface water


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.2.180


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