On the Problems of Water Resources Studies on the Territory of Orenburg Region and Surrounding Areas

I. V. Kudelina


The actual problem of the regions of the Southern Cis-Urals is the provision of population with drinking water. The problem is sharpened with increase of water consumption by population and industry. The analysis of the situation, carried out by the author on the example of the Orenburg urban agglomeration, indicates the possibility of solving this problem by replenishing the water reserves of the existing alluvial water intakes due to the accumulation of a part of the flood runoff. When the water level in the river rises, the level of groundwater rises and water inflows to water wells grow. When water is filtered through alluvium, it self-purifies from pollutants. Replenishing groundwater reserves during floods increases the resources and the quality of drinking water.


Оренбургская область; горнодобывающий регион; восполнение запасов; питьевые воды; действующие водозаборы


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.2.97


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