On the Formation of the Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Groundwater of the Irenskiy Aquifer (on the example of the Kungur Ice Cave)

A. S. Kazantseva, O. I. Kadebskaya, Yu. V. Dublyansky, V. N. Kataev


Seasonal changes in the chemical and isotopic composition (deuterium and oxygen-18) of surface runoff water, atmospheric precipitation, infiltration and groundwater of the Kungur Ice Cave were studied. The study was conducted for the purpose of a comprehensive analysis of groundwater, determination of patterns of change, and relationship between the characteristics of different water types, that is necessary for a more effective assessment of groundwater resources and prediction of the composition and quality of groundwater. The movement of groundwater in the cave has a complex character. The main flow paths, periodicity and some peculiarities of water movement in the karst massif have been determined and confirmed. Obtained data are valuable for hydrochemical monitoring in the cave.


Kungur Ice Cave; Irenian horizon; groundwater; isotope analysis; chemical analysis


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.4.326


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