Determination of the Variable Density of the Intermediate Layer within the Gubakha Area (Permskiy Krai)

A. P. Shelikhov


Because of the improvement of instrumentation and technology progress in the conducting of gravity survey, there is a continuous increase in the accuracy of calculating the gravity Bouguer anomalies. At the same time, due to inadequate assessment of the intermediate layer density taken as a constant for reduction, the calculated anomalies may contain significant relative error. The article describes the experience of using the three-point formula of V.M. Berezkin to build a map of the areal distribution of the density of the intermediate layer and calculating, on its basis, anomalies in the Bouguer reduction according to high-precision gravimetric surveys at the Gubakha area.


high-precision gravity survey; Berezkin formula; statistical approach; variable density; intermediate layer


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Shelikhov A.P. 2022. Ispolzovaniye statisticheskogo podkhoda dlya vychisleniya anomaliy Buge s peremennoy plotnostyu promezhutochnogo sloya [Using a statistical approach to calculate Bouguer anomalies with variable surface density]. In: Voprosy teorii i praktiki geologicheskoy interpretatsii geofizicheskikh poley. Materialy 48-y sessii Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo seminara im. D.G. Uspenskogo – V.N. Strakhova. SPb., pp. 271–274. (in Russian)



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