Oil and Gas Potential of the Lower Structural Sedimentary Cover in the Kaltasinskiy Aulacogen from the Position of Deep Abiogenic Hydrocarbons Genesis

S. V. Kozlov, I. S. Kopylov


A causal connection between the location of the identified hydrocarbon deposits in the upper structural sedimentary cover and the gradient of the amplitudes of neotectonic movements is shown. Within the framework of the chosen model, the areas, promising for hydrocarbons in the Riphean-Vendian deposits, taking into account the depth of penetration of deep hydrocarbon fluids into the sedimentary cover, correspond to certain values of the neotectonic motion amplitude gradient. Rock pressure at the Moho boundary was considered as an additional criterion controlling the oil and gas content of the territory. Two maxima have been identified, both the amount and the sum of geological reserves for oil fields. The territory was ranked according to the prospects of oil and gas potential with the allocation of unpromising zones, zones with unclear prospects, and promising zones. Two top-priority sites for the exploration of oil and gas deposits had been separated.


oil and gas; deep abiogenic genesis of hydrocarbons; geodynamic activity; neotectonic model of naftidogenesis; rock pressure; Moho discontinuity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.21.4.369


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