Ecological-Geochemical and Bioindication Assessment of the Small Rivers Pollution at the City of Berezniki

E. S. Ushakova, P. A. Belkin, M. A. Baklanov, E. V. Drobinina, A. Yu. Puzik


This paper presents an assessment of the state of the rivers Tolych, Zyryanka and Bygel, flowing within the area with a high technogenic impact (Berezniki, Perm krai). Water quality was evaluated using the integrated geochemical parameters. The characteristics of the macrozoobenthos have been studied as a bioindicator of the ecological state of the reservoir. The formation of the trace element composition and, consequently, water quality is associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. The obtained metal pollution index (MI) demonstrates the unsuitability of water from rivers Tolych, Zyryanka, and Bygel for domestic purposes.


surface waters; small rivers; integral pollution indicators; urban areas; trace elements; zoobenthos


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