Stochastic Consideration of Geotechnical Properties of Soils and Parameters of Karst Distribution in Deterministic Methods for Prediction of Karst Collapses

P. I. Bazhutin, V. N. Kataev, S. V. Shcherbakov


This article discusses the problem of calculation of the morphometric parameters of possible karst forms by prediction deterministic methods. The forecast diameter of the karst collapse is the most important parameter for consider of structures in the karst areas, and modern requirements of the regulatory documentation indicate the mandatory use of design deterministic methods. Despite this, to date, there is no single approach capable of providing a true result in various geological conditions. The article proposes an author's approach that allows increasing the prediction accuracy, as well as to obtain a quantitative description of the reliability of the diameter of a possible karst collapse.


karst; karst collapse; forecast diameter; deterministic methods of forecast; deterministic approach


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