Ichetyu Diamonds: Constitution, Surface Film Micromineralization, Genesis

A. E. Sukharev, V. I. Silaev, V. A. Petrovsky, E. A. Vasiliev, V. N. Filippov, A. F. Khazov, I. V. Smoleva


Diamonds from the Ichetyu deposit of disputable genesis have been studied using X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, cathode-, photo- and X-ray luminescence; spectroscopy of Raman scattering and IR absorption, LA-ICP-MS, isotope mass spectrometry. The crystal morphology of diamonds has been analyzed, the parameters of the forms of their mantle dissolution, the degree and nature of plastic and impact deformations have been determined. Features of the internal structure, luminescent-spectroscopic properties were revealed. The bulk concentration of structural nitrogen, the degree of aggregation of point nitrogen defects, and the temperature of mantle annealing are estimated. The composition of microelements and carbon isotopy were determined. The mineral-phase composition of films on the surface of diamonds has been studied. A conclusion was made about the tuffizite-fluidisite genetic type of the Ichetyu deposit


Ichetyu deposit; diamonds; morphology; anatomy; luminescent-spectroscopic properties; micromineral films; tuffisite-fluidisite genetic type


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.2.144


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