Biotic Aspects of Geo-Environmental Studies for Environmental Engineering Surveys

T. I. Karavaevaa, E. G. Efimik, M. A. Baklanov, V. P. Tikhonov, R. I. Khalilov


A theoretical review of publications containing information on the habitats of rare and protected plant species in the central and southern part of the Verkhnekamskoye salt deposit (Perm Krai) has been carried out. Information on the habitats of rare and protected plant and lichen species included in the Red Book of the Perm Territory and growing in the area is summarized. The insufficient amount of the available data required for engineering and ecological surveys has been shown. The need to carry out the special research to identify locations of protected plant, fungi and lichen species and to assess the status of their populations, initiated by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Forestry and Ecology of the Perm Territory, is considered


engineering and environmental surveys; protected plant species; Red Data Book; biodiversity; Verkhnekamskoye salt deposit


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