Assessment of Phosphogypsum on the Territory of JSC Gomel Chemical Plant and its Processing Technology

I. S. Yushchenko


JSC Gomel Chemical Plant is processing the apatite ore by the sulfuric acid extraction in order to obtain phosphorus mineral fertilizers. The plant operation is accompanied with formation and accumulation of the largevolume dumps of phosphogypsum on the enterprise's territory. Using the software product Google Earth Pro, an assessment of the areal distribution and height of large-tonnage phosphogypsum dumps located in the territory of the enterprise's influence was made. The results of phosphogypsum laboratory study were considered. Based on data analysis, proposals for the use of phosphogypsum in various industries have been worked out, and the production of phosphogypsum stone was indicated as the most promising.


phosphogypsum; JSC Gomel Chemical Plant; Google Earth Pro; soil; phosphogypsum stone


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