Results of Integrated Investigation of Collapse Sinkhole in Sarkayevo Village

O. N. Kovin, S. M. Blinov, P. A. Belkin, S. S. Vaganov, Bhavik Lodhia, Ruth Amey, Gan Yuqian


The integrated investigations of karstic collapse sinkhole were conducted at the area of Sarkayevo village. The obtained hydrogeologic data show the local concentration of underground water flow at the investigated site, and high sulfate ion content in the water samples that suggests that a sinkhole is karstic in nature. Geophysical investigations allowed determining basic parameters of the site geological structure, to reveal the depth distribution of the disturbed ground in vicinity of the sinkhole, and delineate zones of different soil compaction. The recommendations for detail site study, aimed to the mitigation of further karst development hazards, are presented.


karst; sinkhole; sulfate rock; underground water; hydrogeological investigations; geophysical methods


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