Karst Hazards at the Territory of Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum

S. A. Krasilnikova, I. V. Kustov, A. V. Konoplev, A. V. Tatarkin, O. D. Abroskin


Exogenous geologic processes (EGP) on the territory of Perm Krai have a wide development. In this list, karst occupies a special position, as this process is widespread and, in addition, can serve as a catalyst for associated hazardous geological processes. At the request of the management of the State Regional Budgetary Cultural Institution "Perm Regional Museum of History" the authors conducted a reconnaissance survey of karst occurrences in the territory of the architectural and ethnographic museum "Khokhlovka" to assess the geological risks and to ensure the safe operation of cultural heritage object, non-capital structures and engineering facilities. This article presents the results of preliminary assessment of karst hazard of the territory, based on the analysis of stock materials, remote sensing data and field reconnaissance survey.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.4.324


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