Hydrogeological and Geotectonic Features of the Post-salt Upper Paleozoic-Mesozoic-Cenozoic paleobasins of the Pre-Caspian Salt Dome Region

N. G. Myazina


The article describes the regularities of formation and distribution of groundwater and brines in the post-salt layers of the Caspian hydrogeological megabasin. Author investigated the qualitative composition of underground brine of sedimentary cover water of the post-salt complex. The results of analysis and typification of the mineralization and ionic composition of saline waters are presented. The basic geochemical and genetic types of brines were characterized. Vertical zonation of ionic saline composition with a depth was identified. The author demonstrate a possibility of complex use of brines and waters of the post-salt strata.


Caspian megabasin; post-salt; ground water; brines; chemical composition; mineralization


Myazina N. G. 2008. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya i rasprostraneniya mineralnykh vod v gidrogeologicheskikh strukturakh Volgogradskoy oblasti [Regularities of formation and distribution of mineral waters in the hydrogeological structures of the Volgograd region]. Volga Publ., Volgograd, 212 p. (in Russian)

Myazina N. G. 2013. Vertikalnaya gidrogeokhimicheskaya zonalnost podzemnykh vod Prikaspiyskoy vpadiny [Vertical hydrogeochemical zonation of groundwater of the Caspian basin]. Geologiya, geografiya i globalnaya energiya. 4 (51): 59-64. (in Russian)

Myazina N. G. 2013. Gidrogeokhimicheskie osobennosti rassolov nadsolevogo kompleksa Prikaspiyskoy sineklizy [Hydrogeochemical features of brines of post-salt complex of the Pre-Caspian syneclise]. Geologiya, geografiya i globalnaya energiya. 4 (51): 96-100. (in Russian)

Myazina N. G. 2014. Vliyanie tektogeneza i galogeneza na geokhimicheskie osobennosti rassolov Prikaspiyskoy sineklizy (Severo-Kaspiyskiy artezianskiy basseyn) [The influence of tectogenesis and halogenesis on the geochemical characteristics of brines of the Pre-Caspian syneclise (North-Caspian artesian basin)]. Vestnik OGU. 1 (155): 136-145. (in Russian)

Myazina N. G. 2014. Vnutri I mezhsolevye rassoly kungurskikh itlozheniy Prikaspiyskoy sineklizy [Intra- and interstratal brines of Kungur sediments of the Pre-Caspian syneclise]. Geologiya, geografiya i globalnaya energiya. 2: 57-65. (in Russian)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.26.38


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