Liquation Processes in Rhyolites of the Lyadgey Complex of the Enganepe Ridge (Polar Urals)

T. A. Vovchina


In the extrusive-subvolcanic body of the acid composition of the Lyadgey Complex (λV2ld) of the southern part of the Enganepe Ridge, rhyolites with unusual textural and structural features are identified. Petrographic and mineralogical study of the thin-banded rhythmic structure and spherical forms in rhyolites revealed the genesis of these features. The presence of secondary changes in the form of sericite and chlorite, indicating a high content of fluids (water) in the rock, which lead to the delamination of the melt, and the natural differences in chemical compositions in rhyolites, allowed explaining this features by the processes of liquation.


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