Manifestations of Hazardous Geological and Technogenic Processes in Urbanized Karst Territories of Perm Krai in 2023

P. A. Krasilnikov, A. V. Tatarkin, O. D. Abroskin, S. G. Ashihmin, G. M. Batrakova


Exogenous geological processes (EGP) on the territory of Perm Krai have a wide development. Karst occupies a special position in this list, as this process is widespread, and, in addition, can serve as a catalyst for associated hazardous geological processes. Therefore, under the guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Perm Krai, the work on assessment of manifestations of dangerous geological processes within the urbanized karst territories of the region has been carried out. The aim of the study is a set of field and office works allowing assessing the consequences of hazardous geological processes in the karst territories of Perm Krai to make appropriate management decisions to minimize the negative impact on infrastructure and facilities, and ensure the safety of the population in the future. The results of this study for 2023 are presented in the article.


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