Justification of the Application of Global Navigation Satellite System for Monitoring Deformations of Underground Pipelines in the Cryolithozone

A. A. Filimonov, L. A. Strokova


Review of regulatory and technical documentation on the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and geodetic monitoring was carried out. The lack of regulatory requirements for measuring vertical movements by satellite methods was identified. The suggestion for selection of the permissible root-mean-square error measurements using GNSS equipment is made, and a method for measuring underground pipeline deformations is described. The deformation measurement data obtained using both geometric leveling and the satellite method were compared. The reduced cost for the period of operation of the object using these methods was calculated, and the most cost-effective method was selected. The advantage of the expanded capabilities of using satellite measurements compared to optical geodetic method is noted.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.1.46


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