Estimation of Source Parameters of Gravitational Anomaly by Particle Swarm Optimization

A. S. Dolgal, R. N. Petrosyan, N. V. Ryzhov


An algorithm for solving a nonlinear inverse problem of gravity exploration using the particle swarm optimization for a two-dimensional horizontal prism is considered. After a relatively small number of iterations, the size and depth of the disturbing object were determined. Three options were used to adjust the speed of movement of the swarm during the optimization process. The interpretation results are presented in the form of a geodensity model that corresponds to the minimum discrepancy between the observed and theoretical fields, as well as a vertical isoline map of the localization function. A quantitative interpretation of the gravity force of the Berezovskiy anomalous zone (Perm region) was carried out. It is concluded that the use of swarm intelligence is highly promising for assessing the parameters of gravitational anomalies sources.


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