On theInfluence of Extreme Geomagnetic Activity on the Accuracy of Geophysical Surveys in Northern Regions

I. E. Sokolov, A. V. Vorobyov


The article touches upon the problem of influence of extreme geomagnetic activity on geophysical research and operations in the northern regions. The paper gives brief information about the nature and localization of the extreme geomagnetic disturbances, and considers how geomagnetic disturbances affect geophysical operations in the auroral oval zone. On the example of the geomagnetic storm that occurred on October 29–30, 2003, it is shown how the magnetic field components and magnetic declination change within one magnetic observatory. It is shown how the values of magnetic declination deviation from the norm change on the example of the stations located in latitudes 78.92°–58.26°


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.23.3.267


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