Engineering-Geological Assessment of the Results of Geophysical Research for Soil Construction Materials Surveying

K. A. Alvanian, A. A. Philimonchikov, A. V. Tatarkin, P. A. Krasilnikov, G. M. Batrakova, S. G. Ashikhmin


The article provides an assessment of the results of geophysical research using geological exploration methods when searching for deposits of building materials. The staged nature of research is outlined, based on the use of direct geological methods, electrometry geophysical methods, laboratory study, and modern approaches to threedimensional modeling, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of geological exploration work. The approbation of the described approach is presented. Using this methodology a number of construction materials deposits were discovered in difficult engineering-geological conditions, and the concept of rational subsoil use was implemented during the development of a number of deposits in Western Siberia.


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