On the Question about the Method of Determining the Resistivity of Unconsolidated Soils in Laboratory Conditions

M. I. Gileva, A. V. Tatarkin, A. A. Philimonchikov


The authors present the description of methods developed for determining resistivity of unconsolidated soils, which allow making the measurements quickly, in a nondestructive manner, and independent on the samples size. With use of numerical and physical modeling, authors investigated the dependence of the measured resistivity on the geometric parameters of soil sample. The method has proved to be successful for study of unconsolidated soils from the Privolzhsky Federal District and North-West Federal District areas.


electrical prospecting; resistivity; dispersed soils; measurments in a lab conditions; geometric parameters of the sample; modeling; physical and geological interpretation


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17072/psu.geol.22.44


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